શનિવાર, 11 ડિસેમ્બર, 2010

Ben the Bodyguard iPhone app is gorgeous, but security functionality may disappoint

Over at PreCentral, Dieter Bohn has been lucky enough to score some quality preview time with Incredible -- a Swiss-knife social networking app for webOS. The app is another creation from developer Geoff Gauchet, who built the popular Foursquare app our own Nik Fletcher showed you earlier this year.

Incredible supports all the services you'd expect, like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Foursquare, and Gowalla. It's still a work in progress, but Incredible already looks like an amazing app. Apart from the features you've come to expect from social apps like inline maps and media previews, Incredible offers some serious filtering, rule, and interface options. Display your pals' updates in one color and updates from others you follow in another. You can also filter by service, content type, or account.

Want to post a single update to multiple networks? Just create a group (set up as many as you like) and cross-posting is a snap.Incredible can even build a list of trending topics from all the networks you connect -- rather than a single source like Twitter.

Have a look through the gallery at PreCentral for a better look. For social media mavens with a webOS device, Incredible looks like it could be a must-have app.

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